Stouts, millers, and forky-tails (a.k.a. deerfly, moths, and earwigs) are just three of more than 200 fascinating insects, spiders, and other arthropods profiled in this book. You’ll also meet weevils, flesh flies, aphids, dragonflies, ticks, bees, giant water bugs, and many mosquitoes.
These are the creepy-crawlies in your garden and in your basement, the annoyances and the biters, the disease-carriers and the pests. But they are also the pollinators and the insect friends that are crucial to healthy ecosystems.
Organized by habitat and order, each description gives key identifying features, life cycle details, as well as the specific habits and quirks that make each one worthy of study. The pages are filled with stunning full-colour photographs of each creature, from gross to gorgeous. Includes up-to-date information about each species’ distribution in this province, as well as quick hits about the latest local research, folk tales, and insect lore.
Insects are the most dominant animal group on the planet. Getting to know some of this species richness is a journey every nature-lover or curious mind will enjoy.